Page 563 - Hydrover-hydraulic-integrated-circuits-catalogue
P. 563

Cetop 5 modular valves    59 SERIES

                                                     Ordering code

                        H 5 9 0 8 S _ _ Q - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _

       Hydrover product                                                                                  Fast slow
       Product series                                                                             coil connection *
       59 series - Cetop 5                                                                       1 =     DIN 43650
       modular valves                                                                                     ISO 4400

       Product ID                                                                                   Solenoid valve
                                                                                                      coil voltage *
                                                                                           OB =            12V DC
       Manifold material                                                                   OC =            24V DC
       Steel                                                                               OD =            48V DC
                                                                                           OU =          110V RAC
                                                                                           AH =          230V RAC
       Compensator spring
       Molla 5.5 bar (standard)              = 6
       Molla 12.5 bar                        = 1                                           Fast slow solenoid valve
       Molla 19 bar                          = 2                                                  manual override *
                                                                               E0 =                         Without
                                                                               EP =                      Push (NR)
       Flow regulator adjustment type                                          EV =                     Screw (NL)
       Screw                                     = S                           EG =              Push and twist (NR)
       Knob                                      = K

                                                                                    Slow or fast in normal position *
                                                                   NL =                               Normally slow
                                                                   NR =                                Normally fast

       * Omit if not required. To order the product without the fast slow solenoid cartridge valve, omit the slow or fast in normal
       position, manual override, coil voltage and coil connection options: eg. H5908S1SQ.
       The manifold will still be provided with the corrisponding cavity.
       To inhibit the fast slow speed function, replace the related solenoid valve options with TL: eg H5908S1SQ-TL.
       In the cavity it will be mounted a long plug.
       Valve                                                                     Cavity      Long plug code
       Solenoid valve VEI-16-021-NC OD.15.05.21-Y-000000 / VEI-16-021-NA         021-E       R-800-015

       Gennaio 2025 edition                            General catalogue                                        563
   558   559   560   561   562   563   564   565   566   567   568