Page 205 - Hydrover-hydraulic-integrated-circuits-catalogue
P. 205

Load sensing modular Cetop 3 subplates for parallel circuits 32 SERIES

                                                     Ordering code

                                   H 3      2   1    9   A _       _   _    -   _    _

       Hydrover product                                                                                Carry over *
                                                                                    _ =                   Standard
                                                                                    CO =             T as carry over
       Product series
       32 series - Load sensing modular Cetop 3
       subplates for parallel circuits                                                                 Relief valve
                                                                                       adjustment pressure range *
                                                                         0 =                              10-60 bar
       Product ID                                                        1 =                             40-110 bar
                                                                         2 =                            110-220 bar
                                                                         3 =                            220-260 bar
       Manifold material
                                                                                                       Relief valve
                                                                                                  adjustment type *
       Compensator spring                                                  S =                               Screw
       5,5 bar (standard)                                  = 6
       12,5 bar                                            = 1
       19 bar                                              = 2

        Assembly example with carry over. There is a plug on the T of the flange.
        Authorizes the use of the flow in excess. T becomes P1.

                                       A  B                     A  B
                                       P  T                     P  T
                                                                                               1/4" G
             H3208A-S3        H3206A                   H3206A                   H3219A6S2-CO

                              LS                       LS                       LS                      1/8" G
           T                                                                                                 a
        1/2" G
                              T                        T                        T                       P1
                                                                                                        1/2" G

                              P                        P                        P                            b
                                                                                                        1/2" G
                                             A     B                 A     B
               c                             3/8" G                  3/8" G
        a. T becomes P1. The hydraulic system powered by P1 must be able to send the oil to the tank (for example a bypass).
        b. The main block relief valve is active when the hydraulic system supplied by P1 send the oil to the tank.
        c. This relief valve is active for the main block and P1 if the hydraulic system supplied by P1 don’t send the oil to the
          tank. The pressure setting of this relief valve must be higher than the b relief valve.

       Gennaio 2025 edition                            General catalogue                                        205
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