Page 625 - Hydrover-hydraulic-integrated-circuits-catalogue
P. 625
Relief, direct acting guided
poppet type
Special cavity, 009
RE 18318-25
Edition: 01.2019
VS-80 04.11.05 - X - 99 - Z Replaces: 07.2018
Technical data
Max. operating pressure 350 bar (5000 psi)
port 1 (P)
Max. pressure admitted 140 bar (2000 psi)
port 2 (T)
Max. flow 80 l/min (21 gpm)
Max. internal leakage 1) 15 drops/min.
Fluid temperature range -30 to 100 °C (-22 to 212 °F)
Installation torque 83 - 92 Nm (61 - 68 ft-lbs)
Weight 0.35 kg (0.77 lbs)
MTTFD 150 years see RE 18350-51
Description Special cavity 009 (see data sheet 18325-75)
Flow is blocked from 1 to 2 until pressure increases to Lines bodies and standard Please refer to section “Hydraulic
meet the selected valve setting, lifting the poppet from its assemblies integrated circuit” or consult factory
seat and allowing relief flow through 2 to tank. Pressure at Seal kit 2) Code: RG0009010000100
2 is additive to the relief setting of the valve. The unique material no: R930001694
Bosch Rexroth Oil Control poppet design provides enhanced Fluids Mineral-based or synthetics with
stability at all flows and pressures. lubricating properties
at viscosities of 10 to 500 mm /s (cSt)
Recommended degree of Nominal value max. 10µm (NAS 8) /
fluid contamination ISO 4406 20/18/15
Installation position No restrictions
Other Technical Data See data sheet 18350-50
1) At 80% of pressure setting
2) Only external seals for 10 valves
Characteristic curve
Pressure Δp
Flow Q
RE 18318-25/01.2019, Bosch Rexroth Oil Control S.p.A.
Gennaio 2025 edition General catalogue 625