Page 569 - Hydrover-hydraulic-integrated-circuits-catalogue
P. 569
Electronic controls 61 SERIES
Introduction Current calibration
This electronic control it’s been developed to drive a solenoid proportional valve without integrated position transducer. Turn the external potentiometer or the external reference to the minimum value that lights up the yellow led (OUT A on)
The device is enclosed in a “OCTAL” plastic container with 8 pin standard circular connector (the typical circular relays and turn the trimmer I MIN until you obtain the minimum current required to drive the solenoid (see valve datasheet).
connector). Turn the external potentiometer or the external reference to its maximum value and then turn the trimmer I MAX until
The output stage operates in PWM high-frequency modulation and produces a sinusoidal dither signal whose value can you obtain the maximum current required by the solenoid (see valve datasheet). Current value can be read inserting a
be varied between 80 and 220Hz to fit most existing valve cursors. voltmeter’s tips in the red and black socket on PROPEL panel. You will read 1 VDC = 1Amp.
The integrated current feedback allows a fine control versus solenoid temperature variations. The circuit also integrates
a short-circuit protection, which is signaled by its overloaded LED (O. LOAD) and protection for supply voltage inversion.
The green LED (SUPPLY) signals power supply presence, the two yellow LED (OUT A e OUT B) indicate the driving of Ramps setup
the solenoid. If start and stop ramps are needed, disconnect the input on pin 8 (red led RAMP OFF turns off) and utilize the trimmer
Minimum current (I.MIN), Maximum current (I.MAX), Rise ramp (R.UP) and Fall ramp (R.DW) can be calibrated with the R.UP, R.DW to fix the rise and fall time needed. If you don’t need ramps, simply short pin 8, Ramp Control, to +V (pin 7),
trimmer on frontal panel. the red led RAMP OFF turns on and the ramps will be disabled.
Ramps can be excluded shorting input RAMP CONTROL (8) to supply voltage (the red LED “R.OFF” lights).
You can drive the valve wiring a 5 K Ohm or 10 K Ohm, potentiometer between pin 4 (+5V) and pin 1 (0V) with the tap on
pin 3 (ref.) or giving a voltage (or current) reference between pin 3 (Ref.) and 0V pin 1 (-). Dip-Switch setup
As you can see in the table below, the dither frequency can be fixed Dip-switch 5 fixes the maximum output current
from 80Hz to 220Hz, refer to the solenoid datasheet to know the best allowable for the valve (OFF->1A, ON->2A)
Electrical wiring dither frequency to use. Dip switch 1-2-3 fixes the various frequency.
Wiring the card following the electric diagram and don’t apply supply. Turn all the trimmer counterclockwise almost for ten 1 2 3 Dither Dip-switch -6-7-8 setup the input configuration, see
turns, set the external potentiometer tap or the reference to zero. Turn on the card, check if the greed led lights up and the table below for the various possibilities:
the yellow led stay off (no driving to the valve(s)). If not as described above, check wiring and if the external pot. tap is OFF OFF OFF 80 Hz 6 7 8 Input (Pin 3)
really turned to 0V. OFF OFF ON 100 Hz OFF OFF OFF 0-5 V, Potenz. (diagram 1)
Diagram 1 OFF ON OFF 120 Hz OFF OFF ON 0-10 V (diagram 2)
OFF ON ON 140 Hz
1. Pot. 0V ON OFF OFF 160 Hz ON OFF OFF 0-20 mA (diagram 2)
2. Supply -
3. Pot. tap ON OFF ON 180 Hz
4. Pot. +5V ON ON OFF 200 Hz
5. Solenoid - ON ON ON 220 Hz
6. Solenoid +
7. Supply +
8. Ramp control Normal operation
Once you have ended the above setup, the system is ready to control the valves. Giving a set point to the input (~500mV
when you use the potentiometer) the current flows to the solenoid starting from the minimum current, fixed with the
trimmer I MIN, to the maximum current, fixed with the trimmer I MAX, when the set point is at maximum value.
Of course the current to the valves will rise or fall with the time imposed by the ramps, if you disabled the ramps, the
current will change immediately.
Diagram 2 Technical data
Nominal Operating Voltage........................... 12 ÷ 28 VDC
1. Max Operating Voltage ......................................... 36 VDC
2. Supply - Nominal Power ...........................................................48W
3. Reference (V or I) Nominal current ............................2,8A (12V) - 1,4A (24V)
4. Supply to external potentiometer ................................ +5V
5. Solenoid - Minimum current swing (I min.) ............................0 ÷ 50%
6. Solenoid + Maximum current swing (I max.) ..................I Min ÷ 100%
7. Supply + Ramp time swing (R. up. – R. Dw.) ................. 0 ÷ 10 sec.
8. Ramp control Working temperature .....................................-20 ÷ +80 °C
Potentiometric input ADC resolution ......................... 10 bit
Ordering code
H 6 1 0 1
Hydrover product Product ID
Product series
61 series - Electronic controls
Gennaio 2025 edition General catalogue 569