Page 584 - Hydrover-hydraulic-integrated-circuits-catalogue
P. 584

Multifunctional integrated circuits  97 SERIES

                                                     Ordering code

                H 9       7   0    0   9    S   _    -   _    _    -   _    _   _    _   -    _   _    _

       Hydrover                                                                                           Solenoid  Dimensions in mm
       product                                                                                          valves coil
       Product series                                                                                1 = DIN 43650
       97 series -                                                                                        ISO 4400
       integrated circuits
                                                                                                   Solenoid valves
                                                                                                      coil voltage *
       Product ID                                                                                 OB =     12V DC
                                                                                                  OC =     24V DC
                                                                                                  OU =   110V RAC
       Manifold material                                                                          AH =   230V RAC

                                                                                                     Manual override
       Rigenerative control                                                             unloading solenoid valve on P2
       Switchable                            = E                                    E0 =                    Without
       No                                     = 0                                   EP =                      Push
                                                                                    EG =             Push and twist

       P2 unloading valve adjustment type
       Screw                                          = S                           Unloading solenoid valve on P1
                                                                                                 / manuale override
                                                                           TL =              Without valve (with plug)
       P2 unloading valve adjustment pressure range                        E0 =           With valve without override
       14-70 bar                                           = 2             EP =         With valve with push override
       70-210 bar                                          = 4             EG =  With valve with push and twist override

        N° Description                                                                                       Q.ty
        1   Bosch Rexroth solenoid valve VEI-16 OD.15.06.18-Y-000000 depicted without manual override *        1
        2   Bosch Rexroth coil D36 - CLASS H DIN 43650 ISO 4400 *                                              1
        3   Connector DIN 43650 ISO 4400                                                                       3
        4   SP.PG.001 (depicted) o Bosch Rexroth unloading solenoid valve on P1 VEI-16-10A-NA OD.15.06.36-     1
            Y-000000 * with Bosch Rexroth D36 coil - CLASS H DIN 43650 ISO 4400 *
        5   1/4”G test coupling                                                                                2
        6   Pilot operated distributor                                                                         1
        7   P2 unloading valve                                                                                 1
        8   Relief valve HCMM03-S3 50-350 bar                                                                  1
        9   M10x15 for mounting                                                                                4
      * for complete technical information, click on the blue link or go to the components section at the end of the catalogue

       584                                             General catalogue                             January 2025 edition
   579   580   581   582   583   584   585   586   587   588   589