Page 495 - Hydrover-hydraulic-integrated-circuits-catalogue
P. 495

Load sensing modular Cetop 5 subplates for parallel circuits 52 SERIES

                                                     Ordering code

                                         H 5       2   0    3   A    -

                                                                                        Restrictor adjustment type *
       Hydrover product                                                      SQ =                            Screw
                                                                             KQ =                             Knob

       Product series
       52 series - Load sensing modular Cetop 5
       subplates for parallel circuits

       Product ID

       Manifold material

        * Omit if not required. To order the product without the flow restrictor cartridge valve, omit restrictor adjustment type
        option: H5203A. The manifold will still be provided with the corrisponding cavity.
        To inhibit the flow restrictor cartridge valve, replace the related option with TC: eg H5203A-TC.
        In the cavity it will be mounted a short plug.
        Valve                                                                     Cavity      Short plug code
        Bidirectional flow restrictor OD.21.01-X-36                               CA-10A-2N 207505-7/8UNF

       Gennaio 2025 edition                            General catalogue                                        495
   490   491   492   493   494   495   496   497   498   499   500