Page 451 - Hydrover-hydraulic-integrated-circuits-catalogue
P. 451

Load sensing plates for Bosch Rexroth ED bankable valves        42 SERIES

                                                     Ordering code

                          H 4      2   0    6   S    -   _    _    -   _    _   -    _   _    _

       Hydrover product                                                                             Solenoid valve
                                                                                                  coil connection *
                                                                                               1 =       DIN 43650
       Product series                                                                                     ISO 4400
       42 series - Load sensing
       plates for Bosch Rexroth ED
       bankable valves                                                                              Solenoid valve
                                                                                                      coil voltage *
                                                                                         OB =              12V DC
       Product ID                                                                        OC =              24V DC
                                                                                         OD =              48V DC
                                                                                         OU =            110V RAC
       Manifold material                                                                 AH =            230V RAC

                                                                                                    Solenoid valve
       Relief valve adjustment type *                                                             manual override *
       Screw                                          = S                  E0 =                             Without
       Knob                                           = K                  EP =                               Push
                                                                           EG =                      Push and twist

       Relief valve adjustment pressure range *
       35-140 bar                                         = 1
       70-280 bar                                         = 2
       140-420 bar                                        = 3
       35-350 bar (adj. knob)                             = 3

        * Omit if not required. For example, to order the product without the relief valve, omit the relief valve adjustment type and
        pressure range options: H4206S-E0-OC1. The manifold will still be provided with the corrisponding cavity.
        To inhibit a function, replace the related valve options with TL: eg H4206S-TL-E0-OC1.
        In the cavity it will be mounted a long plug.
        Valve                                                                  Cavity         Long plug code
        Solenoid valve VEI-16-10A-NA OD.15.06.36-Y-000000                      CA-08A-2N      0489A2005600000
        Pressure relief valve VSPN-10A                                         CA-10A-2N      0489A2008500000

         N° Description                                                                                      Q.ty
        1   Bosch Rexroth bypass solenoid valve VEI-16-10A-NA OD.15.06.36-Y-000000 **                          1
        2   Bosch Rexroth coil D36 - CLASS H DIN 43650 ISO 4400 **                                             1
        3   Connector DIN 43650 ISO 4400                                                                       1
        4   Pressure compensator                                                                               1
        5   M8x12 for tie rod                                                                                  6
        6   Ø 9 through hole with counterbore on one side for OR 2043 i. Ø 10,82 cross section 1,78 (P-T)      2
        7   LS hole with counterbore on one side for OR 2021 i. Ø 5,28 cross section 1,78                      1
        8   Bosch Rexroth relief valve VSPN-10A** depicted with screw adjustment                               1
        9   Bosch Rexroth valve VDP32-07A-03-A for pressure drop regulation from 10 to 30 bar                  1
        10 M10x15 for mounting                                                                                 4
        ** for complete technical information, click on the blue link or go to the components section at the end of the catalogue

       Gennaio 2025 edition                            General catalogue                                        451
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