Page 449 - Hydrover-hydraulic-integrated-circuits-catalogue
P. 449
Load sensing plates for Bosch Rexroth ED bankable valves 42 SERIES
Ordering code
H 4 2 0 7 A - _ _ _
Hydrover product Pressure reducing valve type *
R = VRPR-10A (direct)
X = VRPX-10A (pilot)
Product series
42 series - Load sensing plates for Bosch
Rexroth ED bankable valves VRPR-10A reducing valve
pressure range (static) *
0 = 2-14 bar
Product ID 1 = 2-25 bar
2 = 10-50 bar
3 = 28-80 bar
Manifold material
Aluminium VRPX-10A reducing valve
pressure range (static) *
0 = 25-100 bar
1 = 35-140 bar
2 = 70-280 bar
3 = 35-350 bar (adj. knob)
Reducing valve adjustment type *
S = Screw
K = Knob
* Omit if not required. To order the product without the reducing cartridge valve, omit the adjustment type, pressure range
and valve type options: H4207A.
The manifold will still be provided with the corrisponding cavity.
N° Description Q.ty
1 Ø 7,5 hole with OR 2043 i. Ø 10,82 cross section 1,78 (P-T) 2
2 LS through hole with counterbore on one side for OR 2021 i. Ø 5,28 cross section 1,78 1
3 Ø 8,5 through hole for tie rod 3
4 Bosch Rexroth reducing valve VRPR-10A o VRPX-10A * depicted with screw adjustment 1
* for complete technical information, click on the blue link or go to the components section at the end of the catalogue
Technical data For tie rods - 3 Ø8,5 through P - Ø7,5 or Ø9 - One side must
Max. pressure 250 bar holes or M8x17 have a counterbore for the O-ring
Max. flow with VRPR-10A 25 lpm *
Max. flow with VRPX-10A 55 lpm * 13
Weight 0,7 Kg T - Ø7,5 or Ø9 - One side must
Manifold material Aluminium have a counterbore for the O-ring
30,50 LS - One side must have a
Can be used with LS or non LS elements. counterbore for the O-ring
1,50 10 1,50
24,50 24,50
Gennaio 2025 edition General catalogue 449