Page 382 - Hydrover-hydraulic-integrated-circuits-catalogue
P. 382

                                                                           Cetop 3 modular valves    39 SERIES
                      Modular Cetop 3 flow regulation 2 way compensated on A (in or out)              H3960
                                              with fast slow speed / reversible with seal plate

                                                                                                                    Dimensions in mm

                                                           4                    100
                                                                                    P / T
                    Technical data
       Max. pressure             250 bar                                     A         B
       Max. flow                 50 lpm *                                           P / T
       Regulated max. flow       30 lpm *
       Weight                    1,5 Kg
       Manifold material         Aluminium

                                                                         5                   6
                                                                                    P / T

                                                                             A          B

                                                                                    P / T

                           Normally slow                                         Normally fast
             Input regulation          Output regulation           Input regulation          Output regulation

 A A  B  B           A A  B  B                  A A A A  B B B B          A A A A  B B B B           A A  B B                  A A  B B
 P  P  T  T          P  P  T  T                 P P P P  T T T T          P P P P  T T T T           P P  T T                  P P  T T

                                                                                  AA A
 P T T  A A B B      P P T T  A B A B           P PP P T TT T  A B BAA B BA  P T TPP T TP  A B BB B  P P T T  A B B            P T T   A B B
         N° Description                                                                                       Q.ty
        1   Connector DIN 43650 ISO 4400                                                                       1
        2   Bosch Rexroth coil D36 - CLASS H DIN 43650 ISO 4400 *                                              1
        3   Bosch Rexroth solenoid valve for fast slow function OD.15.05.36-Y-000000 (normally slow) or        1
            OD.15.06.36-Y-000000 (normally fast) depicted without manual override *
        4   Bosch Rexroth 2 way compensated flow regulator *                                  1
        5   Ø 5,5 through hole for mounting                                                                    4
        6   Seal plate                                                                                         1
        * for complete technical information, click on the blue link or go to the components section at the end of the catalogue
       382                                             General catalogue                             January 2025 edition
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