Page 379 - Hydrover-hydraulic-integrated-circuits-catalogue
P. 379

Cetop 3 modular valves    39 SERIES

                                                     Ordering code

                      H 3 9 1 0 4 A - _ Q - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _

       Hydrover product                                                                             Solenoid valve
                                                                                                      connection *
       Product series                                                                              1 =   DIN 43650
       39 series - Cetop 3                                                                                ISO 4400
       modular valves

                                                                                                    Solenoid valve
       Product ID                                                                                     coil voltage *
                                                                                             OB =          12V DC
                                                                                             OC =          24V DC
      Manifold material                                                                      OD =          48V DC
      Aluminium                                                                              OU =        110V RAC
                                                                                             AH =        230V RAC

       Restrictor adjustment type
       Screw                                       = S                                              Solenoid valve
       Knob                                        = K                                            manual override *
                                                                                 E0 =                       Without
                                                                                 EP =                    Push (NR)
       Slow or fast in normal position *                                         EV =                   Screw (NL)
       Normally slow                                           = NL              EG =            Push and twist (NR)
       Normally fast                                           = NR

        * Omit if not required. For example, to order the product without the relief cartridge valve, omit the relief valve adjustment
        type and pressure range options: H39104A-SQ.
        The manifold will still be provided with the corrisponding cavity.

       Gennaio 2025 edition                            General catalogue                                        379
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