Page 267 - Hydrover-hydraulic-integrated-circuits-catalogue
P. 267

Cetop 3 subplates 36 SERIES

                                                     Ordering code

                                         H 3       6   0    8   A    -   _    _

       Hydrover product                                                                                Relief valve
                                                                                       adjustment pressure range *
                                                                                0 =                        5-50 bar
       Product series                                                           1 =                      30-100 bar
       36 series - Cetop 3 subplates                                            2 =                      50-210 bar
                                                                                3 =                    100-350 bar

       Product ID
                                                                                                       Relief valve
                                                                                                  adjustment type *
                                                                            S =                              Screw
                                                                            K =                               Knob

                                                                                                  Manifold material

        * Omit if not required. For example, to order the product without the relief cartridge valve, omit the pressure range and
        adjustment type options: H3608A.
        The manifold will still be provided with the corrisponding cavity.
        To inhibit a relief valve, replace the related options with TL: eg. H3608A-TL.
        In the cavity it will be mounted a long plug.
        Valve                                                                  Cavity         Long plug code
        Pressure relief valve VS-30                                            008            D8TVMDC

       Gennaio 2025 edition                            General catalogue                                        267
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