Page 240 - Hydrover-hydraulic-integrated-circuits-catalogue
P. 240

Cetop 3 valves   35 SERIES

                    Proportional pressure regulator Cetop 3 valve on P / direct acting                H3502

                                                                                                                    Dimensions in mm

                    Technical data
       Max. pressure             350 bar
       Input max. flow           2 lpm *
       Weight                    1,7 Kg
       Manifold material         Steel
       M port                    1/4” G

                  *                                                                                  3


               3  7               $   %

         N° Description                                                                                      Q.ty
        1   Bosch Rexroth proportional solenoid valve VEP-5B-2S-D / OD.94.01.18-Y-Z * as depicted with screw   1
            manual override
        2   Bosch Rexroth coil S5-356 - CLASS H DIN 43650 ISO 4400 *                                           1
        3   Connector DIN 43650 ISO 4400                                                                       1
        4   Ø 5,5 through hole for mounting                                                                    4
        5   OR 108 i. Ø 8,73 cross section 1,78                                                                2
        * for complete technical information, click on the blue link or go to the components section at the end of the catalogue

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