Page 177 - Hydrover-hydraulic-integrated-circuits-catalogue
P. 177

Modular Cetop 3 subplates for parallel circuits 31 SERIES

                                                     Ordering code

                      H 3 1 1 3 A _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _

       Hydrover                                                                                           Solenoid
       product                                                                                          valves coil
                                                                                                      connection *
                                                                                                    1 =  DIN 43650
                                                                                                          ISO 4400
       Product series
       31 series - Modular
       Cetop 3 subplates for                                                                        Solenoid valve
       parallel circuits                                                                              coil voltage *
                                                                                             OB =          12V DC
                                                                                             OC =          24V DC
       Product ID                                                                            OD =          48V DC
                                                                                             OU =        110V RAC
                                                                                             AH =        230V RAC
       Manifold material
                                                                                             Bypass solenoid valve
                                                                                                  manual override *
       Compensator spring                                                        E0 =                       Without
       6 bar (standard)                    = 6                                   EP =                         Push
       12 bar                              = 1                                   EG =                Push and twist

       Restrictor adjustment type *                                                 Slow or fast in normal position *
       Screw                                  = S                    NL =                             Normally slow
       Knob                                   = K                    NR =                              Normally fast

       Relief valve adjustment type *                                       Relief valve adjustment pressure range *
       Screw                                       = S     1 =                                           25-120 bar
                                                           2 =                                           40-200 bar
                                                           3 =                                          200-350 bar

        N° Description                                                                                        Q.ty
        1   Bosch Rexroth solenoid valve for fast slow function VEI-16-08A-NC OD.15.05.18-Y-000000 (normally slow)   1
            or VEI-16-08A-NA OD.15.06.18.A.00000 (normally fast) **
        2   M8x12 thread for mounting                                                                          4
        3   Connector DIN 43650 ISO 4400                                                                       2
        4   Bosch Rexroth coil D36 - CLASS H DIN 43650 ISO 4400 **                                             2
        5   Bosch Rexroth bypass solenoid valve VEI-16-08A-NA OD.15.06.18-Y-000000 **                          1
        6   Bosch Rexroth relief valve VMD1.040 **                                                             1
        7   Ø 11,5 through hole with 1/4” G thread (P-T)                                                       2
        8   M8x15 for tie rod                                                                                  3
        9   Bosch Rexroth flow restrictor OD.21.01-X-56 ** depicted with screw adjustment                      2
        10 Compensator                                                                                         1
        ** for complete technical information, click on the blue link or go to the components section at the end of the catalogue

       * Omit if not required. For example, to order the product without the fast slow solenoid valve, omit the variabile “Slow or
       fast in normal position ”: H3113A4SS2-E0-OC1. The manifold will still be provided with the corrisponding cavity.
       Valves for fast slow and bypass use CA-08A-2N cavity (long plug code 0489A2005600000), and relief CA-10A-2N cavity
       (long plug code 0489A2008500000). To inhibit a function, replace the related valve options with TL: eg H3106A3-S2-TL-TL.

       Note: to add stations use the subplates H3101, H3105 and H3102.
       Gennaio 2025 edition                            General catalogue                                        177
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