Page 640 - Hydrover-hydraulic-integrated-circuits-catalogue
P. 640



          Pressure reducing and relieving,

          pilot operated spool type

          Common cavity, Size 10
                                                                                               RE 18318-56
                                                                                               Edition: 03.2016
          VRPX-10A                                            04.93.07 - X - 85 - Z            Replaces: 07.2012

                                                               Technical data
                                                               Max. operating pressure  350 bar (5000 psi)
                                                               port 2 (P)
                                                               Max. pressure admitted  280 bar (4000 psi)
                                                               port 1 (A)
                                                               Max. flow            60 l/min (16 gpm)
                                                               Standard internal pilot  0.6 mm
                                                               orifice diameter
                                                               Fluid temperature range  -30 to 100 °C (-22 to 212 °F)
                                                               Installation torque  41 - 47 Nm (30 - 35 ft-lbs)
                                                               Weight 1)            0.2 kg (0.44 lbs)
       Description                                             Cavity               CA-10A-3N (see data sheet 18325-70)
       Initially, flow passes freely from 2 to 1. When the pressure   Lines bodies and standard   Please refer to section “Hydraulic
       at 1 exceeds the pressure setting, the conical poppet in   assemblies        integrated circuit” or consult factory
       the upper, pilot stage is lifted from its seat. This allows the   Seal kit 2)  Code: RG10A3010520100
       main-stage piston to shift, restricting input flow at 2. This                material no: R901111369
       increases the pressure drop through the valve and maintains   Fluids         Mineral-based or synthetics with
       consistent pressure at 1. The spring chamber is drained at                   lubricating properties
       3 to prevent a build-up of back-pressure against the spool.                  at viscosities of 10 to 500 mm /s (cSt)
       Additionally, if pressure at 1 rises above the pressure setting,   Recommended degree of   Nominal value max. 10µm (NAS 8) /
       flow is relieved to 3 until the setting is re-attained.  fluid contamination  ISO 4406 19/17/14
                                                               Installation position  No restrictions
                                                               Other Technical Data  See data sheet 18350-50
                                                              1)  Standard version X=03 type
                                                              2)  Only external seals for 10 valves
                                                              Characteristic curve

                                                               Pressure Δp

                                                                                   Flow Q

                                                                         RE 18318-56/03.2016, Bosch Rexroth Oil Control S.p.A.

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