Page 551 - Hydrover-hydraulic-integrated-circuits-catalogue
P. 551

Cetop 5 modular valves    59 SERIES

                                                     Ordering code

                                         H 5       9   0    5   S    -   _    _

       Hydrover product                                                                          Regeneration type
                                                                             RP =            Permanent regeneration
                                                                             RE =            Switchable regeneration
       Product series
       59 series - Cetop 5 modular valves
                                                                                                  Manifold material
       Product ID

        Application example
                                                                3/4" G

                            A  B
                            P  T                          T                          A
                                                     3/4" G                 7,5      3/4" G


              M                                A
                                               3/4" G
         1/4" G

                 H5603                         3/4" G
                          P             T
                     3/4" G             3/4" G

                                     T          P
                                 3/4" G         3/4" G

                                                                The regenerative  system increases  the speed  but
                                                                reduces the  strength of  the  cylinder,  since the  oil
                                                                pressure is only exerted on the stem section.
                                                                With the permanent  regeneration,  if the strength  is
                                                                insufficient, the movement will stop.
                                                                WIth the switchable regeneration, the leakage of the
           H17028                                               Ø 1.2 mm orifice will allow the piston rod chamber to
                                                                relieve the pressure and then the oil pressure will be
                                            P2         P1       exercised on the full section of the cylinder.
                                         3/4" G        1/2" G   Before opting for the switchable  regenerative,  it is
                                                                recommended  to check whether this increase  in
                                              P2    P1          strength can be sustained by the machine facilities.

       Gennaio 2025 edition                            General catalogue                                        551
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